Paul Robinson in another Rockland

© Robinson coll.
Paul Robinson on Orange stain project (video still)  © Robinson coll.
Paul Robinson on Orange stain project (video still)
© Robinson coll.

Paul Robinson is back in South Africa. Actually he has been for some time, and when he did the FA of Mirta, 8B+, I figured it was about time I posted something about it. Most boulderers, if not all, who go to SA go to Rocklands. Paul had already been there a couple of times, so this time he decided to try something else, the bouldering around Cape Town itself.

I asked him if he could tell us a bit about the area, problems and what he's been up to.

Well the rock here is amazing. It has been mainly overlooked for many years. My friend Marijus Smigelskis told me of the amazing projects around Cape town and I knew I had to come for a visit to see them all.
I have seen hundreds of incredible projects and have been fortunate to have Marijus show me around to all of these amazing climbs. He has found these areas and if it were not for him I would have never made the trip and seen rock that rivals Rocklands.
This is some of the best climbing I have ever done in my life and amazingly enough the best boulders still have yet to be climbed. And it does not look like these areas will be tapped out any time soon.

Paul Robinson on Ladder to suckcess (video still)
© Robinson coll.
Mirta is an amazing steep overhanging wall much like Nagual
[A very crimpy 8B which Paul managed to flash a few years back] in Hueco Tanks. The line is super crimpy and 12 moves total, everyone pretty hard. I think of it as two 8A+ sequences with no real rest in between. The rock quality is perfect and it is a top one of the highest mountains in Cape town and over looks the city and the ocean. It is an amazing place to be. I sent the line this evening by headlamp and some lanterns when it got colder.

There is so much more to do down here and i am psyched to have a little over 3 weeks left!!!

I hope to have some pictures soon! We did not get any tonight because it was just the two of us and Marijus had to move pads, etc so that I could climb it.

Thanks Paul!

Paul Robinson has several sponsors including La Sportiva, prAna and Black Diamond

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