Seb Bouin repeats Thor's Hammer, 9a

© Rockvision

Seb Bouin is once again in Flatanger and more specifically in the Hansehellaren cave, where he has repeated Adam Ondra's Thor's hammer, one of the more popular 9a+'s in the world. At least it used to be as it now turns out it might be closer to 9a...

Seb Bouin on Thor's hammer, ~9a?, Flatanger, Norway  © Rockvision
Seb Bouin on Thor's hammer, ~9a?, Flatanger, Norway
© Rockvision

Seb Bouin: I did Thor's Hammer, 9a+, in the fFatanger cave in Norway after five days.
I finally took my revenge in this route. In fact I missed it last summer when I failed after the crux on the last day of the trip.

This year I am stronger.

I did it in really bad conditions. The whole start was wet, and I had to dry it with toilet paperbefore each attempt to try it. After drying it,I only had 5 minutes before the holds were wet again... haa, Norway is so good!

I am a little bit disappointed because Adam Ondra gave me a new beta in the second hard part, and it makes it a lot easier than before. But that's part of the game - you have to keep searching for the easiest solution.

Like that I am not sure it's 9a+,and that's why I propose 9a.

I spoke with Adam Ondra and he thinks the same.

Now I'll focus on the real project : Move, 9b/9b+. Last time around I did the first 9a pitch, now I have to work the second 9a ;)

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Seb is one of the most accomplished sport climbers in the world with many hard routes including quite a few in the 9a-9b range under his belt including Mamichula, Chilam Balam and his own Les...

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16 Jul, 2016
Well a good effort first doing it and then suggesting the lower grade. I think too often climbers just happily accept the higher grade of a route and don't want to rock the boat. It took Alex Megos 3 days when Biographie only took 3 tries but he readily admits that Flatanger is not his ideal style of climbing.
19 Jul, 2016
What would it be on grit?
19 Jul, 2016
something like E10 7b, according to the Rockfax grade conversion guide (which I don't trust in the slightest for this sort of hypothetically nonsense), assuming you left the bolts in it...
19 Jul, 2016
Benchmark HVS 5b.....
19 Jul, 2016
HVS or E0?
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