Dan Turner repeats Voyager Sit Start 8B+

© Dan Turner

Dan Turner has climber No match for climb id:301048,"Voyager Sit Start" (8B+) at Burbage North. This was the 5th ascent after Ben Moon, Niccolò Ceria, Ned Feehally and David Fitzgerald. Dan has been trying Voyager for the past two years and has faced a protracted battle against conditions and motivation.

Dan came very close last year and found the problem to be 'mentally tough,' confessing 'at times I really struggled to keep the faith and it got me pretty down.' He's spent time recently trying to improve on his mental approach and finally believes it's 'working out.'

On the day itself, Dan went through his normal routine and warmed up on The Terrace and a fingerboard. He then continued his warm up by climbing a big link through the crux of Voyager SS – 'I knew it was on.'

He battled nerves on his first attempt and struggled to stand on the footholds. On his next attempt he climbed the problem:

'It's weird, they always feel easy on the send go. For me it was a lot more than just doing the boulder. Seems a bit lame, but it was all a bit emotional if I am honest.'

Most of the other people who were in Burbage at the time can testify that 'emotional' may be an understatement, as his shouts were heard throughout the valley.

Dan followed up his ascent of Voyager SS with an ascent of Dan Varian's Star Power (f8B+) (8B/+) over the weekend, using slightly different beta to Varian's.

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Dan is one of Britain's most accomplished boulderers, having completed problems of the highest standard across the length and breadth of the country. In 2014 he also completed the impressive feat of climbing E8,...

Dan's Athlete Page 5 posts

4 Dec, 2017
Great effort. It's interesting how the route didn't get a repeat for 9 years, then it gets 5 repeats in just 2 years. Is it a sign of rising standards, or more a case that people were put of by the problem's reputation?
5 Dec, 2017
Awesome effort! One of the UK's best boulderers and also works full time.
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