Rab CWIF 2022 Final Results


The Rab Climbing Works International Festival (CWIF) returned over the weekend after a year's hiatus and there was a noticeably high standard, particularly amongst the Brits. In the men's event, current British Bouldering Champion Max Milne took the top spot with an unstoppable display of power and the women's was won by Israel's Ayala Kerem.

The women's final was fiercely contested all the way to the final problem. Michaela Tracy had the advantage over Israel's Ayala Kerem as she was the only person to have topped the first problem. Unfortunately, Tracy couldn't find a way to top the final problem and Kerem won the competition on Zone holds. Ukraine's Jenya Kazbekova completed the podium.

Michaela Tracy psyched to be topping out  © UKC
Michaela Tracy psyched to be topping out

Ayala Kerem on the final women's problem  © UKC
Ayala Kerem on the final women's problem

The men's final was wide open as five Brits took on the Olympic machine, Alex Megos (GER). British Bouldering Champion Max Milne and top sport climber Toby Roberts quickly found themselves in a head-to-head, as both of them climbed all the problems on their first and second attempts. It wasn't until problem three where Roberts became unstuck - a tricky slab that Milne managed to flash. Junior World Champion Hamish McArthur took the bronze.

British Bouldering and CWIF Champion Max Milne cooly topping problem 1  © UKC
British Bouldering and CWIF Champion Max Milne cooly topping problem 1

Alex Megos on the final men's problem  © UKC
Alex Megos on the final men's problem

The women's podium with Jenja Kazbekova proudly holding the Ukrainian flag  © UKC
The women's podium with Jenja Kazbekova proudly holding the Ukrainian flag

The men's podium  © UKC
The men's podium

Watch the Semi-Finals and Finals highlights below:

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As always, great comp!

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