Timmy O'Neil Kmf Profile

© Timmy O'Neill
This is part of a series of profiles of speakers at this year's Kendal Mountain Festival. For more information on how to book tickets and who else is speaking at the festival see the info box below.

The Kendal Mountain Festival 2010

Kendal Mountain Festival 2010


The dates are 18 to 21 November and tickets are available now. Book online - - or by phone 01539 725133 - news as it happens at


Easily accessible from the M6 and by train and there are plenty of accommodation options in and around the town but you need to be on your toes as they fill up very quickly over the Mountain Festival weekend.

For all your questions, accommodation and travel needs go to here you will find all the information you should need for your visit to Cumbria, alternatively call the accommodation booking line on 0845 450 1199.

Kendal Mountain Festival Sponsors 2010  © UKC News
Kendal Mountain Festival Sponsors 2010


Kendal Speaker 2010: Timmy O'Neil

From the Patagonia Website:

Timmy O'Neill doing what he does best!  © Timmy O'Neill
Timmy O'Neill doing what he does best!
© Timmy O'Neill
Timmy O'Neill is America's most outrageous climber. He has set "gob-smacking" speed climbing records from Yosemite to Patagonia, and has been at the cutting-edge of the sport for over 15 years. He is a world-class slackliner, renowned building solo climber, class 5+ kayaker and dangerously fast mountain biker.

He and Dean Potter set the 2001 world speed record for their 3 hour 24 minute climb of the Nose on El Capitan. O'Neill and Potter paired up again for the link-up of Half Dome's Regular Route, the South Face of Watkins, and the Nose in under 24 hours. They climbed over 80 pitches and 9,000 vertical feet, in less than 24 hours. O'Neill has climbed in remote mountains all over the world from Patagonia to Pakistan to Greenland.

Timmy is best known for his irreverent humor and quick wit, which have been on display at his sold-out slideshows throughout the world and in the films Return2Sender and Front Range Freaks. The film Return2Sender recently won its 7th Best Climbing Film Award in 2005, including Banff, Kendal, Taos, Telluride and Boulder Adventure film festivals. He can also been seen on OLN's "Ultimate Playground" and Discovery Channel's "Forbidden Zone," and he will be featured in a reprisal of his legendary "Urban Ape" antics in 2006.

Timmy also partners with leading amputee and spinal injury athletes in ascension and technology development, stating, "Seeing my friends overcome their disabilities and achieve the seemingly impossible, feeds my soul and forces me to reach even further!"

He recently made a 7-day ascent up a dangerous route on the 3,000-foot El Capitan with his brother Sean who is paralyzed from the waist down. O'Neill also recently won the 2005 Best Actor Award from the ShootoutBoulder, a 7-minute film shot in less than 24-hours film festival.

Sponsored by Patagonia -

Timmy O'Neil and his brother Sean, who is a T-12 paraplegic, summiting El Capitan  © Timmy O'Neil /
Timmy O'Neil and his brother Sean, who is a T-12 paraplegic, summiting El Capitan
© Timmy O'Neil /

21 Sep, 2010
Ah, good to see Timmy coming back. A very energetic guy, great fun. This axially made me laugh out loud
21 Sep, 2010
Thanks that was very funny
21 Sep, 2010
21 Sep, 2010
This podcast episode about the two brothers climbing the Nose together is pretty good: Oh, and the Dirtbag Diaries podcast is just awesome in general.
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