Bristol area recommendations

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 Obi Wan 22 Jul 2024

So it's that time of year again. The family summer holiday coming up. This time heading to small place just outside of, and South West of, Bristol. 

If anyone can recommend any bouldering but bear in mind I will only have my flight pad due to room in the car.

Somewhere with lower problems and traverses, good landings, kid friendly?

 Tony the Blade 23 Jul 2024
In reply to Obi Wan:

Take a look at...

Sally in the Woods

I can send you a pdf guide if you fancy it.

WhatsApp me on 07985 201719 

Or email [email protected] 

Post edited at 07:51
 PaulJepson 23 Jul 2024
In reply to Obi Wan:

I liked  Huckford Quarry but then I'm not a fan of limestone so naturally prefer the grotty sandstone offerings. 

 pencilled in 23 Jul 2024
In reply to Obi Wan:

Sand Point

This is tidal but it’s a good day out; long walk-in but lovely with the family too. Problems like The Prow would need more pads than you have but there should be plenty to go at. When the tide is in it should be a pleasant place for kids in the water (teenagers may get bored).

Avon Valley Sandstone

This is good in a heatwave although possibly too far into Bristol and not necessarily pleasant for non climbing family members. It’s chilled though. 

If you were thinking of visiting Bristol there is obviously loads to go at on the crags. The bottom of Sea Walls has kept me and my kids occupied plenty of times. 

Edit: I hear there are problems at Ladye Bay, rockfall and the like. It’s no go atm.

Post edited at 11:35
 duncan 23 Jul 2024

 petegunn 23 Jul 2024
In reply to Obi Wan:

Ubley Warren Rocks as another poster has said would be ideal, especially with the kids as it's a great little place to explore, it's like an open air rabbit warren. Some of the higher climbs have bolted belays but theres loads to go at and a lovely spot with on the whole flat landings

Theres some topo photos in the photo section as well to help identify the climbs 👍

Post edited at 15:22
OP Obi Wan 23 Jul 2024
In reply to Tony the Blade:

Thanks dude, sent you an email 

OP Obi Wan 23 Jul 2024
In reply to Obi Wan:

Thanks everyone! Some really good suggestions. 

Ubley looks like a good bet.

 Dunthemall 03 Aug 2024

The (Weston) Toll Road crags, under the now burnt out "cafe".

Nice beach for the kids to play on and a simple walk down.

 leland stamper 03 Aug 2024
In reply to Obi Wan:

Pretty much everything mentioned here is in Bristol Esoteric Bouldering (Great Western Rock) available from Dicks Climbing as you pass through Bristol.

You may want to include these as they are beautiful and/or have caves as well

Draycott Sleights(good blue cheese also)

Burrington (caves/prehistory)

The White Cliff on Wavering Down(pubs below)

Mells River -Vallis Vale, Great Elm, Mells  - interesting geology, great walk, good climbing, good cafes and pubs and Frome Boulder Rooms when it rains

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