Campervan overnight parking in Fontainebleau this September

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We're going to Font this September in the van, and am torn about booking a campsite or not... I've read a lot of conflicting info about parking overnight in car parks - I know the authorities have clamped down a lot in recent years, particularly when campers spread themselves out. But we're in a small van (T5) and are always very discreet overnight. Does anyone have recent experience of parking up overnight? Any tips welcome, particularly for nice campsites. Thanks!

 Glug 17 Jul 2024
In reply to Phillip Brennan:

Just use the aire in Milly.

In reply to Glug:

great - much appreciated

 James Malloch 17 Jul 2024
In reply to Glug:

> Just use the aire in Milly.

It would be worth having a back up - it's pretty small and given the recent bans it could be quite a lot busier there?

We booked into Le Prez last time we went in the van. Cost about £120 for 3 of us with a van and big tent. Fresh pastries across the river in the morning. Nice coffee from the little truck. Showers and toilets and doesn't piss anyone off.

It's obviously very different from just crashing at Isatis (which we have done a lot in the past) but seems a lot more sensible given the amount of shit vans have got (and the fact it's now - I think - illegal because of the misuse).

 Glug 17 Jul 2024
In reply to James Malloch:

True it could be busier than in the past, but September is usually reasonably quiet, La Musardiere is just down the road if it's full.

 TheGeneralist 17 Jul 2024
In reply to Phillip Brennan:

> But we're in a small van (T5) and are always very discreet overnight. 

I'm intrigued at the notion that a smaller van, hence less likely to have onboard sanitation, makes it more acceptable.

If your van does indeed have toilet and grey water facilities onboard, then fill yer boots.

And if not then..... Fill yer boots

In reply to James Malloch:

Thanks James, really helpful, will look into Le Prez

In reply to Phillip Brennan:

I've always found grez a bit grim, musardiere very expensive, boulancourt just right. 

Don't try and doss in the forest. It's not even funny any more.

In reply to TheGeneralist:

> I'm intrigued at the notion that a smaller van, hence less likely to have onboard sanitation, makes it more acceptable.

It was more in reference to not spreading ourselves out and drawing attention to ourselves. But point certainly noted on grey water.

In reply to Longsufferingropeholder:

Noted - thanks for the camp site tips

 NomadET 17 Jul 2024
In reply to Phillip Brennan:

Was there a few weeks ago in a van.. ALL of the parking in the forest have brand new signs stating no camping or vehicles allowed from 10-6 there’s a few aires about as stated or you can drive for 15-20mins to get out of the restricted zone. Or risk it but the fines are pretty hefty!

In reply to NomadET:

Good to know - thanks!

In reply to Phillip Brennan:

I'd definitely recommend the Les Prés campsite. Details here:

Camping Les Prés

 supersteve 19 Jul 2024
In reply to Phillip Brennan:

There are also a few authorised bivi sites at Bourron, the race course, etc, but they have become pretty grim with the lack of toilet facilities. I'd just go to one of the campsite, utilise the facilities and enjoy your days in the forest. 

In reply to Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH:

Thanks Paul, appreciate the recoommendation

 ian caton 23 Jul 2024
In reply to Phillip Brennan:

We had our t4 broken into. They picked the lock and thoughtfully relocked it. Stole just the nice food and knackered the fridge lid. Pretty sure it was a scally climber. Take care. 

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