Connie's Dale

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Are there any cows on the walk in to Connie's Dale?

Not saying I'm scared of cows but.

 greg_may_ 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Euan McKendrick:

Just tell them to mooove along.

I'll get my coat.

 Lankyman 04 Jul 2024
In reply to greg_may_:

> Just tell them to mooove along.

I suppose you want a pat on the back for that?

In reply to Lankyman:

It was udderly hilarious 

 john arran 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Euan McKendrick:

Should be able to milk this thread for many a pun. And I'd have no beef with that.

In reply to Euan McKendrick:

I herd that the the cows in Connie’s Dale are quite friendly so you don’t need to be a cow-ard .

 greg_may_ 05 Jul 2024
In reply to Lankyman:

It's just a joke, no need to bullock me for it! 

 string arms 05 Jul 2024
In reply to Euan McKendrick:

I wouldn’t worry too much. The cows are very supportive of boulderers. They are always clapping

In reply to Euan McKendrick:

Apologies for the lack of cow puns but if you haven't read the access notes then it would be worth doing so.  Its better to park at Eldon Quarry and walk in from the top rather than parking in Peak Forest.  The farmer is not a fan of climbers and you walk right past the farm house if coming from the south.  While it is on CROW land you need to cross his fences to get there from the south and his friend 'Mr. Shotgun' has some strong opinions on fence crossing.

In reply to Somerset swede basher:

Ye I've seen that, all in hand I just don't want to walk through a field of cows!!

 MelvinWaggg 05 Jul 2024
In reply to Euan McKendrick:

I parked at Eldon Quarry and walked down a few weeks ago, the field was just sheep then. Another note, pay attention to the approach notes! If you don't keep to the left side of the wall you might be in for a long walk back

In reply to Euan McKendrick:

> Are there any cows on the walk in to Connie's Dale?

> Not saying I'm scared of cows but.

Be sure to pick a warm day otherwise you'll be freisian! 

In reply to Wide_Mouth_Frog:

Happy to report, no cows, few white walkers, lovely climbing!

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