The P

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 Zeprockfields 16 Jul 2024

Theres a few more problems to be tickled out of The P. RHS of Taking The P (f6B) up that little ramp and up the hill on the LHS. Might be some stuff behind the gated cave as well

 Jono.r23 17 Jul 2024
In reply to Zeprockfields:

Since ur getting downvotes with no explanation it might be worth reminding people not to remove further vegetation from the area

 Bolehillbilly Global Crag Moderator 17 Jul 2024
In reply to Zeprockfields:

As Jono says, please don't remove any ivy at the sides of the crag. There are endless link ups and eliminates to do for even the most dedicated locals.

It's only a short walk, albeit uphill, to Shining Cliff too. 

 midgen 17 Jul 2024
In reply to Zeprockfields:

A bit of footfall to make the approach to Shining Cliff easier wouldn't be amiss, bit of a bushwhack at the moment, although the crag is quite clear (mozzies excluded). 

 Offwidth 17 Jul 2024
In reply to Bolehillbilly:

Is it worth getting that information on RAD?

 steveriley 17 Jul 2024
In reply to Offwidth:

I went to take a look, it already says "Please do not develop any routes on the upper wall or remove any ivy."

 Offwidth 17 Jul 2024
In reply to steveriley:

My profuse apologies... not sure how I missed that.

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