Avon Main Wall Stake Bash

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 Cheese Monkey 15 Jul 2024

Good morning all, the stake bash will be going ahead above Main Wall / Main Area in Avon this Saturday at 12:30 onwards until complete. Come along to lend a hand if you like, but please please do not climb in the area whilst we are working, hopefully for obvious reasons. Thanks

Post edited at 11:26
 Simon Pelly 15 Jul 2024
In reply to Cheese Monkey:

"...Come along to lend a hand if you like..." - What sort of help might be needed?

"...stake bash..." - What sort of work is being undertaken? Is this related to the recent crowd fundraiser?

P.S. I did contribute to this in any case -

OP Cheese Monkey 15 Jul 2024
In reply to Simon Pelly:

Identifying where they need to go (although I have a pretty good idea) and bashing stakes in! Have a generator and drill on hire that need to be lugged about too

OP Cheese Monkey 20 Jul 2024
In reply to Cheese Monkey:

Today was a great success. 28 belay stakes in. If we've missed any - let me know, have 5 spare! Big thanks to everyone who took part today or donated and thanks to BMC for supporting the event and contributing a very significant chunk of money.

In reply to Cheese Monkey:

Brilliant work - Huge thanks to everyone who contributed to the crowdfunding, and especially to those who 'Got Stuck In!' on Saturday. These stakes are literally life saving!

Cheers, Dom

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