Lundy climbing restrictions updated

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 NeilHowarth 15 Jul 2024

Just as a heads up to anyone planning on heading to Lundy within the restricted dates this year, it looks as though the Landmark Trust have changed the areas that are "unrestricted".  It's now limited only to the Devils Slide and the east side crags, everything else is off limits until 15th August

Post edited at 20:49
 Steve Woollard 16 Jul 2024
In reply to NeilHowarth:

Thanks for the shout out

 mark4344 17 Jul 2024
In reply to NeilHowarth:

Many thanks for the advice. They've definitely included areas with no previous restrictions. Was due to go early August, but now having a rethink. Great island and a special place, but very little to climb currently.

In reply to NeilHowarth:

Thanks Neil. The RAD is now updated accordingly.

 Howard J 18 Jul 2024

In reply to thespecialone:

I'm not sure what your point is, but I take to mean that you think the Landmark Trust should confine itself to preserving the buildings on Lundy and should not be concerned with protecting the wildlife.  However it managages the island on behalf of the National Trust, which has always had a wider objective beyond historic buildings. Neither is acting outside its remit by considering wildlife and other environmental concerns - quite the opposite.

The wildlife is part of what makes Lundy special to visit, as well as being important environmentally. I have visited Lundy during the breeding season and it was spectacular (and I am not a birder). The climbing season after the birds have left is quite dull by comparison, except for the climbing itself.

The extent of the latest restrictions is disappointing from a climbers's point of view (previously there were still enought places to climb during the "closed" season to justify a visit) and perhaps it can be questioned whether some of the new restrictions are entirely necessary. However the Landmark Trust is responsible for the entire island and is quite right to prioritise the wildlife over our trivial recreational pursuit. 

 Offwidth 18 Jul 2024
In reply to Howard J:

While I agree with your sentiment, bans where no birds will be disturbed benefits no one and could make the disturbance situation worse. Climbers in general and the BMC in particular have generally worked well with the NT and RSPB, but bans for no good reason should be opposed.

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