Brimham Rocks Writer in residence

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 Wimlands 17 Jul 2024

Brimham to get a writer in residence

“The intention is for the writer in residence to get to know Brimham Rocks, the people who visit and to really engage with the place and the opportunity it presents to create a conversation about nature and climate.“

Hopefully she’ll get acquainted with all the route names…

 fred99 18 Jul 2024
In reply to Wimlands:

She'll certainly be able to afford to buy a guidebook :-

"We encourage applications from writers from backgrounds that are under-represented in the cultural and publishing sectors, and paid nature writing opportunities in particular. The residency will take place from June - October 2024 and the fee will be £3,000 or 15 days at £200 per day."

£200 a day - or £1,000 a week is a pretty good rate of pay !!

Is this where the money handed over for car parking goes ?

In reply to fred99:

> £200 a day - or £1,000 a week is a pretty good rate of pay !!

It would be great for a full time salary. A little less amazing when it’s 15 days spread over 5 months. 

All they have to do is find another 6 concurrent jobs for the same terms, and don’t take any breaks or get ill, and then line up the same again every5 months, and they’re laughing.

 Tom Valentine 18 Jul 2024
In reply to Wimlands:


> Hopefully she’ll get acquainted with all the route names…

And hopefully she won't turn the said route names into a poem and immortalise her residency by carving it into the rock.

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