RIP John Mayall

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 Andy Clarke 24 Jul 2024

An absolutely crucial figure in the British Blues boom of the 1960s, with his band the Bluesbreakers. I shall be giving a spin to two of my favourites of his early albums, the "Beano" with Clapton and Laurel Canyon with Mick Taylor.

Post edited at 06:38
In reply to Andy Clarke:

The stars aligned for that Beano album didn’t they? Andy Summers bought one of the very few ‘59 Sunburst Les Pauls in the country from Rose Morris, and told Eric they had another which Eric bought. He wasn’t getting enough stage volume so went to up and coming Jim Marshall to build him a JTM45 combo which would fit in his car. He took the Gibson and Marshall into the studio with, I think, a Dallas Rangemaster treble boost, and the sound of hard rock and blues was invented with the Marshall turned up to 11!
Eric’s Les Paul was subsequently stolen, and he bought Andy Summers’ off him for £200!

OP Andy Clarke 24 Jul 2024
In reply to paul_in_cumbria:

Yes, hard to over-estimate the significance of that album in the development of rock. Within a month or so Clapton was joining Cream and within a year or so they were headlining in the States. According to Wiki, Joe Bonamassa says that guitar is now in a private collection in the US.

ETA: I hope Cerys will have time to put together a memorial Blues Hour before the show goes out on Monday. JM certainly deserves it.

Post edited at 09:49
 fred99 24 Jul 2024
In reply to Andy Clarke:

Don't forget that Peter Green was with the Bluesbreakers as well.

John Mayall's influence on British music is immense.

OP Andy Clarke 24 Jul 2024
In reply to fred99:

There are a couple of  other lead guitarists in later years who went on to have significant solo careers, namely Coco Montoya and Walter Trout. And if you start thinking about the drummers and bassists the list is incredibly impressive.

 freeflyer 24 Jul 2024
In reply to Andy Clarke:

Check out Room to Move (Turning Point album) for one of the most epic harmonica / mouth percussion solos you are ever likely to hear.

In reply to paul_in_cumbria:

"Eric’s Les Paul was subsequently stolen, and he bought Andy Summers’ off him for £200!"

There were rumours circulating earlier this year that Joe Bonamassa had heard of it's whereabouts, but since then just silence. It is estimated to be the most valuable guitar in existence (although unknown whereabouts) . The next one is Jimmy Page's 59 LP - estimated between $20 and $25 million if it came up for sale, but would probably go for over double that and disappear into an oligarchs collection if ever sold.

I still dream of finding one at a boot sale, but only 600 odd made in 1959 so think more chance I will win euro millions Re the JM Bluesbreakers and Eric Clapton, I have a pre Murphy Lab , Tom Murphy aged heavy relic 2014 R9 with Wizz Beano Bluesbreaker pick ups. Beautiful sounding guitar.

 felt 24 Jul 2024
In reply to fred99:

> Don't forget that Peter Green was with the Bluesbreakers as well.

And played on Laurel Canyon without them.

 SATTY 24 Jul 2024
In reply to felt:

a real legend,many 60/70 s bands owe him a lot


OP Andy Clarke 24 Jul 2024
In reply to Doug:

Been doing a bit of reading today and discovered two other great guitarists who made (admittedly fleeting) appearances in the Bluesbreakers: Davy Graham and John McLaughlin. It's quite a roll call!

 Sean Kelly 24 Jul 2024
In reply to Andy Clarke:

The Beano album was my first ever LP. Great music. Pity there is too little Blues played in the media these days.

 PaulW 24 Jul 2024
In reply to Andy Clarke:

John Mayall was my introduction to the blues. Howlin Wolf, Muddy Waters and everything else followed from that. What an amazing tapestry of music to discover.

I guess some of the British guitarists had OK careers too

 James0101 24 Jul 2024
In reply to Andy Clarke:

if there is a radio tribute session to john mayall coming out i would be eager to tune in

 Doug 27 Jul 2024
In reply to James0101:

"Hommage à John Mayall" on France Musique with some 10 tracks

 Cog 27 Jul 2024
In reply to Doug:


 veteye 28 Jul 2024
In reply to Cog:

Any programs coming up in the next week on BBC ?

OP Andy Clarke 28 Jul 2024
In reply to veteye:

> Any programs coming up in the next week on BBC ?

I'm hoping Cerys Matthews will make her Blues Hour (9pm tomorrow on BBC Radio 2) a memorial show. I guess it depends when she records it. She's live on 6Music this morning, so I'm sure she'll play something in tribute and say whether she's also doing a special show. 

OP Andy Clarke 28 Jul 2024
In reply to Andy Clarke:

Cerys announced on this morning's 6M show that she will be doing a special Mayall tribute tomorrow night on R2.

 veteye 28 Jul 2024
In reply to Andy Clarke:

Thank you Andy.


 magma 29 Jul 2024
In reply to Andy Clarke:

Andy Edwards always worth a listen..

 James0101 29 Jul 2024
In reply to Andy Clarke:

thanks. i will be tuning in

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