2 Month Trip Jan Feb Mar

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 Godwin 23 Jul 2024

For the past 2 years I have been away Jan, Feb, March because the weather here is dreadful.
Been to India and Nepal, loved it.
Thailand, Lao and Vietnam. Thailand was OK, but too easy, loved Lao, Vietnam was a mixed bag, but really enjoyed travel north of Ha Giang in to the Karst Geo Park.

I am now considering my options for the next 9 to 12 months, and part of it is Jan, Feb and March as being in the UK would not be good for me.

The places I fancy are Africa south of the Sahara. Pakistan or other stans maybe. I like trekking, and scenery, but for me it is the people I meet when travelling both other travellers, many of whom are fascinating and the people of different cultures, across the social spectrum. I intend a big trip of possibly a year to South America in a year or two, so not there.

I do want to do the Trans Siberian, but there are obvious problems, I also want to cycle to Asia from UK, but am really soft with regards bad weather, so that would be a later in the year.

Climbing is not a consideration.

So can anyone suggest anywhere with a good climate in Jan Feb and March for a back packing trip, please.

 seankenny 23 Jul 2024
In reply to Godwin:

The best bits of Pakistan, ie the mountains, are really a summer destination and will be very cold in winter. Southern Pakistan is great but there’s probably not that much to actually do, it’s just a nice place if you like that sort of thing. Afghanistan will also be very cold at that time. Not been to the other ‘stans but a mate of mine is a frequent visitor and says they are cold in winter (he lived in Moscow for many years and if he says it’s cold, it really will be). 

OP Godwin 23 Jul 2024
In reply to seankenny:

> The best bits of Pakistan, ie the mountains, are really a summer destination and will be very cold in winter. Southern Pakistan is great but there’s probably not that much to actually do, it’s just a nice place if you like that sort of thing.

Yes thats the impression I get. I know quite a few Pakistani people and they are always telling me how lovely it is, and I say, but what exactly is there to see, in India there are some real highlight places, but Pakistan, less so, its just about being there.

Afghanistan will also be very cold at that time. Not been to the other ‘stans but a mate of mine is a frequent visitor and says they are cold in winter (he lived in Moscow for many years and if he says it’s cold, it really will be). 

Yes, that makes sense. I wonder about Turkey, hmmm?

 davkeo 23 Jul 2024
In reply to Godwin:

New Zealand? I did lots of trekking (or tramping as its called down there) on the South Island and loved it. Great, varied scenery & friendly easy going people. Could be combined with a trip to Tasmania (never made it there but sounds brilliant & ticks lots of similar boxes).

 philipivan 23 Jul 2024
In reply to Godwin:

Surely patagonia/Chile/Argentina and Peru - Huaraz  must be contenders?

 seankenny 23 Jul 2024
In reply to Godwin:

> Yes thats the impression I get. I know quite a few Pakistani people and they are always telling me how lovely it is, and I say, but what exactly is there to see, in India there are some real highlight places, but Pakistan, less so, its just about being there.

It’s worth saying that northern Pakistan is absolutely amazing and worth enduring a winter in the U.K. for. 

> Yes, that makes sense. I wonder about Turkey, hmmm?

I think eastern Turkey also gets pretty cold in the winter. 

 wert 23 Jul 2024
In reply to Godwin:

Have you watched any recent episodes of “Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan”? He raves about Rwanda and also visits Uganda and Madagascar. Rwanda looks amazing with very friendly people. 

OP Godwin 23 Jul 2024
In reply to philipivan:

> Surely patagonia/Chile/Argentina and Peru - Huaraz  must be contenders?

Do not call me Shirley and read the OP , South America is top of the list, I hear the Steak and Malbec are superb. Trust me, I feel your enthusiasm

OP Godwin 23 Jul 2024
In reply to seankenny:

Well I am also thinking a month at El Chorro, so could spend January there.

Would March April work in Pakistan 

OP Godwin 23 Jul 2024
In reply to wert:

> Have you watched any recent episodes of “Misadventures of Romesh Ranganathan”? He raves about Rwanda and also visits Uganda and Madagascar. Rwanda looks amazing with very friendly people. 

These are places that really interest me, I will try watching the programmes you suggest 

 pencilled in 23 Jul 2024
In reply to Godwin:

Hi there,

I don’t have any experience of the Stans but I can recommend both Madagascar and Venezuela. Madagascar may not be quite the same in a few years but we loved it so much we went back with our kids last year to Masoala. It was wonderful and I can recommend a guide if you find yourself drawn to this idea. 
Merida was a pretty good base to explore from but I did no trekking there, only climbing. 
Good luck!

Post edited at 11:52
 philipivan 23 Jul 2024
In reply to Godwin:

Sorry, I must have drifted off in the middle. The scenery is fantastic, travelling is more of a pain than in Asia at times but still pretty easy. Anecdotally the chance of getting robbed/scammed seemed higher. 

The malbec and steak was amazing for the 1st few days in Mendoza but after a while I began to crave a vegetable. Central Chile had far nicer food or maybe just more varied. The ice cream in both was above expectations. 

 seankenny 23 Jul 2024
In reply to Godwin:

> Well I am also thinking a month at El Chorro, so could spend January there.

> Would March April work in Pakistan 

I suspect April would be pretty nice in Afghanistan. In Pakistan, the Karakoram Highway is open all year but the valleys, ie the trekking areas, are closed until the summer. I’ve been in June, it was fine. Probably wouldn’t go much earlier if I wanted to go somewhere high or remote. 

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