car hire Sardinia

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 mattc 25 Jun 2024

Has anyone hired a car in Sardinia? 

Thanks Matt 

 mishabruml 25 Jun 2024
In reply to mattc:

yep, and crashed it!!!

took a wrong turn and headed into one of those doomed cobbled mazes in a gorgeous ancient village with 3 story buildings each side. the lane had twists and turns, and just got progressively narrower and narrower, we stupidly pressed on until we eventually realised we would have to do the unthinkable- and reverse it. which is when i scraped the side down a wall.

it was worth it for the highly authentic, rage-filled, double-handed 🤌🤌 from an elderly italian man who was watching the whole thing high up from his balcony while having his coffee/cig

 mishabruml 25 Jun 2024
In reply to mishabruml:

im guessing you want the useful information instead of a dumb story 

we used Centauro and they were actually decent, and cheap. understandably they were a bit pissed off when we returned the car with a gurt big scrape down it, we paid for the damages on return. thankfully i had the foresight to insure the car through an independent provider (always do this) and we couldn't believe it when they actually coughed up and reimbursed us the full whack! result! and got a dumb story out of it too!

 freeflyer 25 Jun 2024
In reply to mattc:

> Has anyone hired a car in Sardinia? 

> Thanks Matt 

In May this year - see this thread:

 Dave Cundy 25 Jun 2024
In reply to mattc:

Lots of times.

Used Maggiore once.  Wanted to charge me £180 for a tiny scratch to the lower bumper.  I didn't sign their damage form, so they stole it from my CC anyway.  Luckily the bank gave it back.  Never used them again.  Hint. The only reason they get you to sign another bit of paper 'accepting paying for the damage' is because the existing contract isn't enforceable (possibly because they don't share the exorbitant charges with you before signing).  So don't sign it!

Have subsequently used Locauto and had no problems.  I think we used Siscilybycar last year and they were fine.  You can usually tell who HolidayAutos are using when you see just one desk with a massive queue.

 Ian Patterson 25 Jun 2024
In reply to mishabruml:

> im guessing you want the useful information instead of a dumb story 

> we used Centauro and they were actually decent, and cheap. understandably they were a bit pissed off when we returned the car with a gurt big scrape down it, we paid for the damages on return. 

Centauro have become one of my preferred car rental companies these days.  Have used them in Barcelona, Olbia (Sardinia) and Valencia over the last couple of years and always had excellent service, decent cars, efficient and friendly.  They are usually off airport but the shuttle buses have worked well and often just as quick as queueing at the airport (particularly if you go straight to the desk while your partner deals with getting the luggage from the bus!)

OP mattc 27 Jun 2024
In reply to mishabruml:


worth the story!!!!


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