Climbing + Spanish Language Immersion School

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 Swolohan 31 Aug 2023

My partner and I are hoping to take advantage of her last month of leave in October. Wanting to find somewhere to go where I can climb loads and she can take a spanish immersion course.

We've considered Tenerife or Malaga/El Chorro, but trying to find the best combination of climbing, school availability, and cost of living.

Anyone done this in the past?


 scope 31 Aug 2023
In reply to Swolohan:

You could go to Albarracin. Almost nobody there speaks any English. I doubt you'd find a language course, but it would be pretty immersive being there for a month.

 freeflyer 01 Sep 2023
In reply to Swolohan:

> My partner and I are hoping to take advantage of her last month of leave in October. Wanting to find somewhere to go where I can climb loads and she can take a spanish immersion course.

Tbh if she wants to be on a Spanish immersion course, she'll need to go without you (or anyone else not prepared to speak Spanish full-time).

Of course, you may be a fluent Spanish speaker, but just saying ... !

OP Swolohan 04 Sep 2023
In reply to Swolohan:

Granada seems like it might be the play. lots of school options, in the foothills of the sierra nevadas. now to find accommodation and climbing partners!

 Nic 04 Sep 2023
In reply to Swolohan:

I was going to suggest Granada...many years ago I did an intensive Spanish course here:

...though I'd be intrigued to know how you're going to climb when she is at classes all day?

Post edited at 17:27
OP Swolohan 06 Sep 2023
In reply to Nic:

well, that's the next thing to sort out -- need to find a partner. some combination of forums, the climbing hostel, and the local climbing gym will sort me out.

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