Place to stay in Bangkok

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 RX-78 26 Jul 2024

Hi, we are off to Thailand in August. Almost a last minute decision but can anyone recommend a hotel or place to stay in Bangkok? Luxury modern hotels are not what we are looking for. 

Also, any idea of things one must see or do? Not looking for a "one night in bangkok" experience. August is apparently the wettest month of the year and so not climbing season.

In reply to RX-78:

Have you heard of Lonely Planet, Rough Guides or Footprint?

 Godwin 26 Jul 2024
In reply to RX-78:

Bangkok is a huge city, you really do need to do a bit of research, because it depends what kinds of things you want to see and do.

OP RX-78 26 Jul 2024
In reply to twentytwoangrymen:

No, what are they? 

OP RX-78 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Godwin:

That's the problem, paralysed by too much choice! 

 LastBoyScout 26 Jul 2024
In reply to RX-78:

From my experience of a few nights there, we visited:

  • Wat Arun - as a climber, you'll appreciate the steep steps of the temple. Have a massage from the monks while you're there. There's some nice cafes overlooking the river.
  • The Grand Palace
  • Wat Phra
  • Cabbages and Condoms is an interesting restaurant
  • Get a bespoke suit/shirt made while you're there - but avoid the Indian ones and find a Thai one. We used one on Rama IV street
 seankenny 27 Jul 2024
In reply to RX-78:

> Also, any idea of things one must see or do? Not looking for a "one night in bangkok" experience. August is apparently the wettest month of the year and so not climbing season.

Do you have a sense of how much you like modern Asian mega cities? For some people they are an overwhelming nightmare, for others a lot of fun and exciting. That kind of determines how long you’ll want to stay there.  

First time there I stayed in a modern fancy hotel, it was brilliant. Second time I stayed in a smaller, cheaper place right by a market and it was a bit grim. Usually my preference would be the other way round so I was surprised by this. Spend some time researching your trip because it really is a huge city and not all that easy to get around, except for the metro. 

 Lhod 27 Jul 2024
In reply to RX-78:

We visited a few times in 2014-15 and stayed here every time. It looks like not much has changed, though obviously that's a while ago. It's basically a nice and relaxed upmarket b&b.

The main appeal was that it's in a residential area far from the trashy tourist neighborhoods - it's close to the river so you can jump on the ferry which runs up and down the river all day (a great way to get about and see the city) and there's local market streets nearby with great food, local low-key restaurants with no English speakers, we basically didn't see any westerners in the area which was refreshing.

We enjoyed going to MOMA (modern art museum) which was a journey up the river and again seems a bit out of the way. 

 Godwin 27 Jul 2024
In reply to seankenny:

> Do you have a sense of how much you like modern Asian mega cities? For some people they are an overwhelming nightmare, for others a lot of fun and exciting. That kind of determines how long you’ll want to stay there.  


This is good advice. I have spent quite a lot of time in India and love being in Delhi, but the first time in Delhi is like being given a good kicking by Asia, in contrast I found Bangkok super easy. However other people for who Bangkok was their first experience of an Asian city, it was overwhelming, dirty and busy, wheras I found it all rather easy and certainly not dirty. I would go again and stay longer, possibly a week.

In Wat Pho, there is a free tour in English maybe every 2 hours, to the right in the courtyard after you have entered, time your visit to do this, research the times.
After a few days in Thailand, huge Buddhas cease to amaze.
I hate shopping centres, but was fascinated when I visited a Mall, like the dystopian end of capitalism.
Jim Thomson House, and nearby there is a canal that you can take a taxi down for 12 baht?, go right to the end, and keep walking the canal through neighbourhoods.
But, turn off your phone, allow yourself to get lost, you do not need to go to the “best” whatever, then when weary, turn phone on, order a Grab bike, which will unlose you.
Get the Grab app.
Never trust a Thai person with directions, they will never say they do not know, they will just point in a random direction, with a smile.
When you feel you can deal with Thailand, go to Lao, the land where Beer is cheaper than water and you dance till 2am on the Mekong, but go soon as it is changing fast.
Take an international driving licence.
But overall, just relax and take it all in and enjoy.

In reply to RX-78:

> No, what are they? 


Perhaps if you give us clue we can help? What do you want out of a stay in Bangkok? Museums? Theatre? Art? Ladyboys? 

 nickg_oxford 27 Jul 2024
In reply to RX-78:

I always used to stay at the Salom Village Inn, basic but good places nearby to eat and a short walk to the river. 

 rattusrattus 27 Jul 2024
In reply to RX-78:

I visited years ago and spent a lot of time in Bangkok. Chatuchak market is fantastic. Great food, really nice atmosphere at night. If you’re going to any of the temples, go as soon as they open otherwise you’re going to be swamped by tourists.

OP RX-78 29 Jul 2024
In reply to RX-78:

Thanks all, I have been to Osaka and Tokyo As far as big Asian cities go, but I guess they are a bit different. My wife is not a big crowds fan so not sure about enjoying the hustle and bustle of a big city. Main aim is to experience something different to what we can see/do in Europe. I assume for example the MOMA will be like others globally??

 seankenny 29 Jul 2024
In reply to RX-78:

> Thanks all, I have been to Osaka and Tokyo As far as big Asian cities go, but I guess they are a bit different. My wife is not a big crowds fan so not sure about enjoying the hustle and bustle of a big city.

Might be worth having a chat to her! Bangkok is pretty crowded, loud and congested. 

Also bear in mind that it’s rainy season right now. Monsoon rains can vary from not too bad to really very fierce and disruptive, and it’s usually pretty humid. Some people love it, some hate it. The rains may well affect what is pleasant (over and above climbing considerations).

> Main aim is to experience something different to what we can see/do in Europe.

Well you will get that for sure.

 jasonC abroad 29 Jul 2024
In reply to RX-78:

There seemed to be no end of hostels and hotels when I was last there, though this was 15 years ago, and even then they'd multiplied beyond what was there 5 years before that.  I found the quality to be very good, though I'd just come over from India which may have had a bearing on my perception.

I really enjoyed using the boats to get around the city and visiting various temples, tried a few decent restaurants, though the food was generally pretty good on the street.  Found the night markets great, nearly got drunk enough to try some fried locust but chickened out.

Bangkok will be very different to Tokyo/Osaka though, but I found it quite friendly.

 mike123 30 Jul 2024
In reply to seankenny:

> Do you have a sense of how much you like modern Asian mega cities? For some people they are an overwhelming nightmare, for others a lot of fun and exciting. That kind of determines how long you’ll want to stay there.  

> First time there I stayed in a modern fancy hotel, it was brilliant. Second time I stayed in a smaller, cheaper place right by a market and it was a bit grim. Usually my preference would be the other way round so I was surprised by this. Spend some time researching your trip because it really is a huge city and not all that easy to get around, except for the metro. 


pretty much agree with this . I’ve been cragging quite a few timed to Raleigh / krabi   . The last few times I avoided Bangkok and flew straight to krabi airport . That said I often had the choice of a night in Singapore or Bangkok when flying for work and would always choose Bangkok . I d say the choice in Bangkok is either koh san road ( scummy back packer area ) or or not . For me it would always be not . There are loads of interesting districts and loads of really nice non chain places ti stay . I would look at lonely planet and stay somwhere a short walk from one of the many night markets  . Without going really high end you will eat the best Thai food at the night markets and get  a real feel of the city by wandering round eating at several several different food stalls . 


 mike123 30 Jul 2024
In reply to mike123: not super keen on the narator but I just had  look at you tube

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