Please help make my Dad famous

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 SteveM 25 Jun 2024

Please share with anyone you know in the area of Andalucía, Spain e.g. climbers in El Chorro or surrounding area, cyclists on Costa del Sol, etc


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Please help us find Derek Mead. He has Alzheimers.

Last seen: Mijas La Nueva, Malaga, Andalucía 24/06/2024 17:30

Description: Gray/brown hair Brown eyes 172 cm 75 years old

Grey shorts, blue short t-shirt, grey sandals

Contact: 112

Thank you!

 mrjonathanr 25 Jun 2024
In reply to SteveM:

Shared with friends in Álora. Good luck.

 gooberman-hill 25 Jun 2024
In reply to SteveM:

Try sharing with the Orange House on the Costa Blanca.

 mrjonathanr 25 Jun 2024
In reply to mrjonathanr:

Theyce shared it in a couple of local climbing g and walking groups on fb

OP SteveM 26 Jun 2024
In reply to SteveM:

Update: Thank you to everyone who has helped to spread the word. Dad's been found, safe but not well so fingers crossed still. We really really appreciate all the help and messages of support. Thank you!

 Abr 26 Jun 2024
In reply to SteveM:

Good to hear that….best wishes to you all…I have many memories of being out looking for a light footed father with dementia!

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