Rothera Guidebook

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 willlegweak 23 Jul 2024

I've seen it mentioned a few times on various websites but have been unable to find very much information about it or where to get one.

Does anyone know if its possible to get the guidebook for Rothera, Adelaide Island, Antarctica?

 Si Witcher 23 Jul 2024
In reply to willlegweak:

have you tried emailing the BAS contact here:

"There’s a local guide book with a range of rock and winter routes.
It’s best to get in touch before you come down with questions about equipment you are thinking of
bringing down. Please give the Field Guides an email on [email protected] and they will be happy to
answer your query"

Selection of routes in the logbooks here:[]=1&climb_type[]=2...

 arose 26 Jul 2024
In reply to willlegweak:

Hi Will.  I think I probably edited the last edition of the Adelaide island guidebook (for the stuff nearest Rothera) in 2017.  Send me an email and I can send you a copy

Are you going to work for BAS this year?  I cant think how you would get to climb there otherwise.  Probably the only place in Antarctica with single pitch climbing!

 Andy Moles 26 Jul 2024
In reply to willlegweak:

There are copies at Rothera.

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