Torlundy, North Face Car Park

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Hi all,

I've seen some conflicting information recently about parking overnight in the north face car park (Ben Nevis)  and wondered if anyone had up to date info. Is it possible to park there on a Friday evening and leave the car there til Sunday evening? I don't mind paying, I just done want to be towed/clamped/fined. Also, if this isn't possible then where do you park? We had thought about near the hostels at the base of the tourist track. I'm not wanting to sleep in the car park, just leave a car there.


 Rick Graham 12 Jul 2024
In reply to Somerset swede basher:

Met a local climber from   Corpach today, only a couple of miles from Torlundy.

Asked him about the NF car park, only a short conversation. I asked ,same as last year now except for payment? He pulled a face to imply it was not technically compulsary before getting onto another local issue rant.

So probably not an issue to park overnight, not car camping and pay the dues. Worth the drive to check out the signs.

In reply to Rick Graham:

Thank you

In reply to Somerset swede basher:

Unless the situation has changed, you can only pay per day and failure to comply is a £50 fine (I think) which is splayed on multiple signs. 

We stayed in the CIC for a week in March and paid daily via the ringo app. I didn’t get enough signal in the hut so usually did it some point on the climb when signal reappeared… On a few of the days I didn’t get a chance to pay until after lunch and never got any trouble. 

In reply to Samuel Wainwright:

In the past (elsewhere) I've just bought two days tickets when I park and write Saturday on one and Sunday on the other and leave them both stuck in the window. I would have thought that would be ok? But I'll look into the app too.

 BruceM 15 Jul 2024
In reply to Somerset swede basher:

Somebody said once that there was no way to pay for a paper ticket with cash/card, and that you have to use the Ringo App.

I haven't been over that way myself yet but it would be good to know for sure, as your idea of multiple paper tickets is a good one.

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