Where to go in November

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 David Coley 12 Jul 2024

Due to our club trip to Lebanon in November being cancelled for obvious reasons, we are looking for an alternative. Somewhere new to us and a bit "different" in some way or adventurous. Any ideas, please? Inland central Turkey was one idea, anyone been? (We have previously visited, Jordan, Oman, Tafraout, so not those).


 Godwin 12 Jul 2024
In reply to David Coley:

How about Meteora

Looks an interesting destination, with the Monasteries and the funky rock architecture also conglomerate can be an interesting medium to climb, and it seems like its not over crowded, you may also be able to get a new club member.

 Dunthemall 14 Jul 2024

Going left field.

Cochise Stronghold. Lots of climbing, scrambling and hiking. (select) or there are two volumes.

The (free when I was last there) campsites under the climbing crags on the west have a stunning view down to Tombstone (yes OK Corral) and beyond that the Mexican border.

Cheap flights possible to Phoenix or Las Vegas (and default big luggage allowances).

Bad weather days Kartchner Caverns SP or gold hunting in Lost Dutchman SP.

 seankenny 14 Jul 2024
In reply to David Coley:

There are a ton of emergent climbing areas across Africa that look like they could be excellent, eg Angola, Malawi, Zimbabwe. I’m not sure whether November works for all those countries but it’s a huge place so you never know. Flights are long but there’s no jet lag so it’s just like spending a day on the train. 

The Bangalore area is full of granite domes that look pretty cool.

Mexico? Potrero Chico, Baja?

Alternatively, sod it and go to Heuco! 

 Dunthemall 15 Jul 2024
In reply to seankenny:

Hueco has big restrictions on climbing without guides? when i was last there even with a guide was a 30 minutes briefing

The karst landscape in north vietnam looked very interesting as we floated past.

OP David Coley 15 Jul 2024
In reply to Dunthemall:

Cochise Stronghold, now that's somewhere I've always fancied 

OP David Coley 15 Jul 2024
In reply to seankenny:

Thanks Sean, I couldn't find much info on Bangalore except the bouldering. I'd love to hit sub Sahara Africa, but by the looks of things the climbing might be too hard for a club trip?

 seankenny 15 Jul 2024
In reply to David Coley:

> Thanks Sean, I couldn't find much info on Bangalore except the bouldering.

Mountain Project has some info and there are plenty of people on Instagram:

Badami also looks like a very cool area to visit. 

> I'd love to hit sub Sahara Africa, but by the looks of things the climbing might be too hard for a club trip?

I honestly have no idea! Does look a bit exploratory for sure. 

 Strife 17 Jul 2024
In reply to David Coley:

Potrero Chico, Mexico

OP David Coley 19 Jul 2024
In reply to Strife:

Would that work for a week? Thanks 

 dominic o 21 Jul 2024
In reply to Dunthemall:

We spent most of last November in SW USA including Southern Arizona and there's certainly plenty of climbing that is perfect for that time of the year. It's quite a trek for a week though.

Specifically visited Cochise Stronghold in November 2015. Gorgeous spot!

Cheers, Dom 

 WillDeWorde 22 Jul 2024
In reply to David Coley:

As someone who’s spent some time in Jordan, can speak a bit of Arabic and enjoys climbing in places where the weather isn’t terminally awful - what’s your club and how does one join it?

 rpc 22 Jul 2024
In reply to David Coley:

Spent about a week climbing some moderate/easy multi-pitch lines around Bangalore last December.  Good stuff.  There's even a guidebook published by the Bangalore Climbing Initiatives club mentioned above.  Only possible downside is that the crags are pretty scattered (need a car).

Cochise is indeed great; like a multi-pitch version of Joshua Tree.  Mostly trad; some mixed, and a few sport multi-pitches.  Beautiful granite.

El Potrero Chico offers a true climbing vacation:  tightly bolted routes; some are quite long (up to 20 pitches).  Easy living.  The nearby town is pretty blue collar but you really don't need a car.

Another Mexico option is Pena de Bernal in Queretaro (2.5h from Mexico City).  Very charming - if touristy - town at the base.  Beware of the red tape (closure days, climbing permits etc) which seems to change often & I would not count on mountainproject to give you the most up to date info.  I'd ping the local climbing guides at for up to date details.

Really enjoyed Vietnam a few years ago.  Ha Long Bay climbing was so unique:  starting climbs and sometimes belaying from the boat.  I think Nov. might be optimal for dry weather (that's when we went).  Only did one route in that newish inland place north of Hanoi (Huu Lung Valley) and it still that out of the way feel back in like 2019ish.

Post edited at 23:35
OP David Coley 23 Jul 2024
In reply to WillDeWorde:

> As someone who’s spent some time in Jordan, can speak a bit of Arabic and enjoys climbing in places where the weather isn’t terminally awful - what’s your club and how does one join it?

HI. South Devon Mountaineering Club. Despite the name, it has members further afield. One of the most active clubs in the UK, especially for international trips. In the calendar we currently have: central turkey, USA road trip, Greece, Arco, Dolomites, Yosemite, Norway ice and bunch I can't remember. Alongside the normal UK venues. All welcome 

OP David Coley 23 Jul 2024

Thanks everyone for your input. I'm sure we will add in some of those to the club calendar!

We have ended up picking the Aladaglar mountains in cental Turkey. And moving the trip to October so it warmer.

Thanks again 

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