Winter gear for the dolomites July

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 Emlyn Price 02 Jul 2024

Heading to the dolomites between the 28th of July- 9th of August and wondering if its worth bringing crampons axes and boots etc, for approaches / descents? 

 beardy mike 02 Jul 2024
In reply to Emlyn Price:

It wouldn't be ridiculous to think that...

 Kean 03 Jul 2024
In reply to Emlyn Price:

Still a lot of snow up high and in north-facing gullies but I think a lot could change in the next month as we've been having a lot of alternating rain (which "eats" the snow rapidly), and hot weather.

This is useful:

Also just grabbed and Google-translated this from local newspaper, dated 28th June:

"Lots of snow at high altitude and several via ferratas remain 'closed', the appeal: "Equip yourself properly and avoid taking risks"
There are several via ferratas in the Belluno area which are currently "absolutely not recommended" given the massive presence of snow at high altitude. The appeal to hikers: "Avoid putting yourself in danger and do not tackle paths if they are not correctly equipped"

By S.D.P. - June 28, 2024 - 10:32 am
CORTINA D'AMPEZZO. There is still snow at high altitude, at least in some areas, so much so that it was decided to "close" some via ferratas. The Alpine guides of Cortina gave a snapshot of the situation in the Belluno area, who published updates on the routes currently accessible (or not) on their website. 

Of the 22 equipped paths mentioned, almost half are currently not practicable: the Cesco Tomaselli on Lagazuoi, the Formenton via ferrata, the Olivieri on Punta Anna and the Gianni Aglio via ferrata (all three on the Tofana), the Giovanni Lipella equipped path, the via ferratas Dibona and Grotta di Tofana, but also the Renè de Pol are now "absolutely not recommended", in some cases because "in persistent snow conditions, with an unusable cable or subject to local stonefall phenomena" (UPDATES HERE).

For this reason, the mountain guides in the area have decided to alert hikers and mountaineers, reminding them of the importance of equipping themselves with the necessary equipment if they choose to tackle high-altitude trails, especially if there is snow. In recent days, not surprisingly, several appeals have also been launched by the Alpine Rescue Service, which calls for maximum caution: "Avoid taking risks""

 LastBoyScout 03 Jul 2024
In reply to Emlyn Price:

We didn't take crampons/axes, but would have been glad of them a couple of times. Took walking poles as an alternative on a couple of routes.

As Kean says, you can get snow high up and sometimes the VF cables can be buried, so be prepared for that.

Even if it's baking hot in the valley, it can get cold very quickly when you get higher up and weather can change rapidly.

 mark4344 05 Jul 2024
In reply to Emlyn Price:

Out here this week. Summited Piz Boe today(3200m). Some snow on top, but could walk out in approach shoes. Walking poles useful, but I'd imagine all snow will go when you come out. We had crampons, but they never left the rental house.

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