Witches Quarry after rain

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 climberchristy 14 Jul 2024

Hi all. Anyone who knows Witches Quarry well...wondering about going tomorrow. However, I think it will have had lots of rain yesterday and will possibly get some more today. Does it suffer badly from seepage? Or is it quick drying? How likely is it to be dry? Any advice much appreciated. Thanks. Witches' Quarry

Post edited at 09:31
 Derek Furze 14 Jul 2024
In reply to climberchristy:

Flat ground above so not a lot of run off.  However, it does face north, so doesn't got loads of sun to assist with drying.  Tbh, I have tended to go as a shady retreat so drying time hasn't really figured in calculations!

 Seymore Butt 14 Jul 2024
In reply to climberchristy:

Stopped off at Witches for a look yesterday whilst on my bike ride. Crag is bone dry. 

I live nearby, weather here at the moment is cloudy but dry.


In reply to Seymore Butt:

Great. Thanks, Alan. 

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