Air Transat - Recent experiences

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 GarethSL 21 Jan 2023

Just wondering if anyone has any recent experiences with Air Transat out of Gatwick.

Checked out this old thread

I’m wondering if things have changed for the better / worse since 2008. Especially regarding baggage, I booked an extra hold bag but the wording on the website suggests that even tho it’s pre paid there’s no guarantee it will be allowed…

thanks in advance!

 Alex Riley 21 Jan 2023
In reply to GarethSL:

I've flown with them before, Gatwick to Calgary, everything was fine. It was actually the most modern and nicest plane I've been on, no problems with luggage etc

I'm actually flying to Calgary with WestJet aka the competition this afternoon so I'll update with how this goes too as they are the main options outside of aircanada (expensive).

Post edited at 06:18

Flown with them before. They and Westjet are the standard cheaper airlines in Canada (no Canadian air travel is really cheap). Don't remember any major issues. I lost my luggage at Vancouver (not their fault, someone had taken it) and the staff at the airport were useless. I think that can happen with most airlines though and luckily the person returned it to me. 

I'd fly with them again if the price were a lot better than Air Canada, think they just go slightly less sociable hours etc and I prefer Heathrow.

Post edited at 17:29
 Alex Riley 22 Jan 2023
In reply to Queen of the Traverse:

WestJet flight was good (although slightly delayed due to a medical emergency on the runway). Check in was easy, staff were great, baggage was fine, food was half decent for a plane. And most importantly the 1yr old slept most of the way (paying for it slightly now though).


Post edited at 13:23
 BattyMilk 22 Jan 2023
In reply to Alex Riley:

I flew with WestJet to Calgary in October. Was expecting a cargo like plane experience for the price but it was the newest, comfiest flight experience I’ve been on. 

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