Col d'Aussois

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 Rob Exile Ward 08 Jul 2024

Currently walking in the Vanoise and there's more snow than expected. Anyone know if the col is passable without axe and crampons?

 Bob Aitken 09 Jul 2024
In reply to Rob Exile Ward:

Sorry, have no current knowledge.  Can only suggest you enquire at the refuges, or phone the Pralognan guide bureau or National Park office (though from experience they're cautious of offering advice on local conditions).

On several early-season crossings in years past, I've been glad to have had an axe for the steep snowfield on the north slope, where the snow always seemed quite hard. And the run-out is potentially damaging.  It was worrying to watch parties without gear very slowly and cautiously picking a way down the steep blockfields either side to avoid the snow as far as possible.  But that was before most recent climate-change effects.

The trouble of course is it's a long way back down and around if you decide when you see that slope that you'd rather go round by the Chaviere instead.  Good luck!

 srah 09 Jul 2024
In reply to Rob Exile Ward:

we crossed Col de rocheure 2900m, in the Vanoise  , a week ago with no problems on soft snow. We had micro spikes but didnt need them. We met a few people who had crossed Col de Ausoiss with no concerns. So i think it should be ok. Enjoy

In reply to srah:

We were at the Arpont refuge with only an intermittent signal so when the guardien implied it was 'all white' - and our group not particularly strong - we declined. Thanks for the advice anyway.

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