Cordillera Real (La Paz) Climbing; contacts for logistics + planning

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 wout 21 Mar 2022


In May/June we'd like to climb in the Cordillera Real, close to La Paz. 

We (just a group of two) climb without a guide. I have experience up to ED- routes, but my friend only has PD+ experience. 

Currently we are doubting to make a basecamp at Janco Khota to climb some F-tours.
or: make basecamp at Condoriri (Laguna Chiar Khota). Or we might do both, since it can be done in a week I guess. Just wondering what's the most impressive environment/scene. 

Afterwards we're planning to do Huayna Potosi and then afterwards another 6000+ mountain. Not really decided yet what it should be - will be max a PD+ however. Illimani seems a little harder from the guidebook. 

Do you guys maybe have some contacts to arrange the logistics (taxi/mule/cooking chef)? Or would you just arrange it in town? 

Also, would you go for double or a single boot? I read that a single-boot is sufficient, however I still doubt it.

 ExiledScot 21 Mar 2022
In reply to wout:

Chef? What about a scribe for the diaries? Photographer? 

Jokes aside, plenty agencies in town will sort out transport etc.. I'm not sure they'll have cooks though!! 

Boots, it's coldish but not arctic cold, where were your ED routes? 

Post edited at 11:41
In reply to wout:

It's about 7 years old so some of the info may be out of date, but this destination article might be handy:

 monkey man 21 Mar 2022
In reply to wout:

Used these guys before, did similar to you, they helped/did logistics and sourced a local cook.

I used single skin boots, our group was even split in that regard with similar objectives. Both were fine, obviously a compromise either way. 

Enjoy, its absolutely fantastic there. 

Iggy_B 22 Mar 2022
In reply to wout:

Had a couple of good chats with Hugo Ayaviri in Pakistan last summer. He said he could point in the right direction for anything in Bolivia, I'm sure he'd welcome an enquiry and his English is good. Don't have a link for him but surely available with a search.

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