Domes de Miage solo

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I want to solo Dome de Miage in a couple of weeks but looking for more info from anyone that's done this solo or even with a partner.

I'm planning to reverse the route from the Conscrits refuge and go up where people usually descend through (straight up the south-west ridge) to avoid crossing the Tre-la-Tete glacier, and down the same way.

My only concern is a steep ascent/descent on the ridge where Glacier d'Armanchette is. Since it's early season I'm sure the snow/ice is in decent quality to be able to do this safely, but any info or advice is welcome, thanks!

 BruceM 22 Jun 2024
In reply to Train to Summit:

In general: good plan.  I've always intended to try that.  But have always gone only as far as Berangere, because of conditions or time or other reasons.

So I've only ever been over that far with a partner as part of the whole traverse.  And then that slope was in great/easy/safe condition.

As you say, will just depend on current conditions of that slope.

Picture below on 23 July last year (2023).  But in previous years that slope was strung out blue ice with big rockfalls from above.

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