Floods. rain and Rapid snow melt in Western Alps

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 aostaman 21 Jun 2024

There's a post about conditions in Ecrins. I replied with the following text but I thought it warranted a more general airing. 

Lots of rain 🌧 in the forecast and rising temperatures. 

Aosta Valley has the same, the Dora Baltea has flood watches down the whole valley. 

Also Zermatt is cut off!! No I couldn't believe it either. 

The forecast is more rain over the weekend and continuing rapid melt from high seasonal snowfall.

OP aostaman 21 Jun 2024
In reply to aostaman:

Sorry replying to my own posts. The whole valley is covered by an orange alert. Access to the secondary valleys is now strictly controlled 

Worse is that they have closed Val Ferret due to recurring concern about the stability of the Planpincieux glacier.

 Ian Carey 21 Jun 2024
In reply to aostaman:

Arrived yesterday at Canazei, in the Dolomites.

Was out today and the forecast strong winds and thunderstorms did not arrive.

However, looking at various forecasts, there could be a lot of rain on Sunday/Monday.

Was thinking of moving west, but I think that I will stay here!

 wjcdean 23 Jun 2024
In reply to aostaman:

Thanks for the update

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