Mönchsjoch Hut

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 Dwyryd 19 Jul 2024

We're travelling back from Oktoberfest by train through Switzerland this year and fancy staying at the Mönchsjoch Hut for a night.  We won't be walking this time but just fancy walking there from the Jungfraujoch Station and spending a night on the mountain.  Does anybody know if this is ok or is it solely for people who are out climbing?

Thanks in advance,


 Kimberley 19 Jul 2024
In reply to Dwyryd:

It closes on 13th Oct, 

 OP Dwyryd 19 Jul 2024
In reply to Kimberley:

Thanks, and yes I'd noticed that.  We would be there around the 11th.

 Doug 19 Jul 2024
In reply to Dwyryd:

Many years ago I spent a night there at the start of a ski tour in the Oberland. Its very easy to get to (although the train is expensive) but for anyone coming from near sea level its very high for a first night at altitude. I don't think I've ever seen so many people ill at a hut & not many  made the most of the evening meal. Thankfully I had been touring in the Vanoise a week or so earlier & had retained some acclimatisation & was OK.

 SiWood 19 Jul 2024
In reply to Dwyryd:

its fine to stay there if you are not climbing a peak. It’s likely not to be busy in early October. 

 Rip van Winkle 20 Jul 2024
In reply to Dwyryd:

Can confirm it's an easy snow walk from the train station - look for signs to the "glacier" exit - though if it's thick in clag take care not to lose sight of the guide wands. But there'll probably be a well-beaten track unless it's snowed recently.

 OP Dwyryd 22 Jul 2024

Thanks everyone.  I've now booked it and look forward to it.  The walk in sounds nice and hopefully it will lead to future walks in the Alps.

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