Sass Fee 4000m link ups

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 Murcantile 17 May 2024

Heading to Sass fee in August. Are there any 4000m link ups? 

looking for big epic multiple peak days! Can anyone recommend which huts I should be looking at? Or what is possible from Valley floor?

first time there and starting to look at options.


 JLS 17 May 2024
In reply to Murcantile:

Allalinhorn and Alpubel can be linked either from the valley via an early "sunrise" lift (if it's running, used to be thursday only) or from Britania hut.  Much more challenging is the Lenzspites and Nadelhorn traverse from Mishabala hut.

Stralhorn is normally done in isolation from Britania so could be done the day before Allalin and Alpubel.

Wiesmies is best done from Amagela hut. I wouldn't recommend the decent to Honsas hut due to glacier conditions but if you did, you'd be in position to do Lagginhorn the next day. Otherwise return to Amegela and traverse round to Wiemies hut for Lagginhorn.

My spelling of the huts and and mountains is likely to be wrong.

 Smythson 17 May 2024
In reply to Murcantile:

Dom traverse?

 Alfrede 20 May 2024
In reply to Murcantile:

Without any information on the grades you are happy with, replying is difficult! However starting from the Wessmies Hut and traversing over the Fletschorn and Lagginhorn to the Hohsass Hut then doing Weissmies over to the Almageller Hut and down would give you three great peaks in two or three days at no more than AD. (I know the Fletschorn lacks a metre or two but it is a lovely peak nonetheless.) You could take in an acclimatisation day on the Jegihorn en route and even finish with the lovely Portjengrat at the end, though that is a bit harder at AD+. With the amount of snow this year high up I would guess that the glaciated routes up Fletschorn and Weisssmies should still be ok in August, though you would need to check with the huts on arrival. The Nadelgrat from Mischabel Hut is a wonderful route but really one very long day not a link up. (I found it full on for a route only graded AD!)  A great link would be starting from Saas, doing the Alphubel over to Tasch hut and then continuing on to the Rimpfischorn afterwards before descending to the Tasch or Zermatt. Two fine peaks no more than PD+. You could fit in the Hohlaubgrat from Britiannia Hut into that at the same grade. Longer links involving the Dom and Taschorn are mega classic but much harder and more serious. Whatever, you will have a good time. I've been to Saas three years in a row and I am going back again this August as there is still lots to do! Maybe see you there?

OP Murcantile 20 May 2024
In reply to Alfrede:

There end of August so 24th onwards. How are the hut bookings? Will be there till mid sept maybe later if it doesn’t all shut down 

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