Sylvain Saudan RIP

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 nigel n 21 Jul 2024

Possibly unknown to many UK climbers but an important figure in the greater mountaineering world passed away a few days ago.  A Swiss ski instructor and considered the father of "extreme" skiing,  from the Spencer couloir on the Blaitiere and the Whymper on the Verte in the late 60s he progressed to the first ski descent of an 8000 meter peak (Gasherbrum) and numerous technical descents in Alaska and Canada.  A truly inspirational figure and still skiing and guiding into his 80s.  he even worked in Scotland for a while early in his career.  Full obituaries in many of the quality papers (the only free one I could find was in the Financial Times!).

 Doug 21 Jul 2024
In reply to nigel n:

I remember seeing posters for his talks/slide shows in Chamonix on my first visit in the mid 1970s. People had skied steep slopes before him but he did seem to invent the idea of extreme skiing as we know it today.

I read an orbituary in our local paper a few days ago but seems its mostly behind a paywall -

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