Torino and routes alternatives

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 chenav 18 Jun 2024

Hi all, we were planning to climb Pyramide du Tacul/Petit Flambeau on Thursday and Tour Ronde on Friday, with an overnight in Torino Hut for acclimatization towards bigger goals next week, but weather looks to be iffy...

Any suggestions for similar-ish objectives we can aim for, including a high altitude night, where the weather may be better?


 wjcdean 18 Jun 2024
In reply to chenav:

i'm not going to do all the weather forecast checking for you. But if you head to saas grund you could do the jegihorn (sport, mountaineering or VR, take your pick) and stay at the weissmies hut. you can also do the fletschorn from there which i believe is AD and under 4000m.

alternatively you could stay at the ayas hut and consider the bretihorn or pollux which aren't too high.

slightly further afield (and therefore maybe more chance of good weather), the Ecrins has some mountaineering and higher altitude hiking you could do, although there's no uplift, so maybe not so good if  you are looking for lower effort objectives in order to save energy for later

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