US Climbing Oct/Nov 2024

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 elduderino 20 Jul 2024

Hi all, first time calling upon the UKC forum.

I'm planning a Western US and Patagonia trip later this year (October and November). I'll be climbing in Indian Creek/Moab/Red Rock and Yosemite with some friends in October but I'd like to continue climbing once they leave on the 20th, until the end of November.

I'd like to hang around a little longer to climb in the states, before heading on to Patagonia (Bariloche, Cochamo and perhaps El Chalten). So far I haven't got a partner, so I have a few questions I guess ;
Is anyone keen to climb in States/Argentina/Chile in November ?
Is anyone already going and might fancy climbing ?
Does anyone have any Need-to-Know tips ?

I live in Lyon, sport climb a lot, but regularly trad climb in the UK/Alps up to about E3 and TD. Sport climb 6c/7a on a good day.


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