FS: Gear Clearance!

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 barbeg (user since 09/Sep/11) 02 Jul 2024
Price: £1.00

Following a gear sort out, these are all FOR SALE:

All prices excluding postage.

Vango Zenith 100 tent - used but decent condition £30

Simond Makalu Sac 45/70L - used once and good condition £40

Black Diamond Wall Haul Sac 140L -  unused excellent condition £100

Terra Nova Bothy 4 £20

BD Tour 240 Avalanche Probe - unused £25

BD Shovel - metal. Used £25

Scarpa size 8 rock boots £10

Camelback 1.5l sac and bladder £10

Simond Barracuda & Chacal axe and hammer. A piece of history! Antique condition £50 the pair.

Mountain Technology walking axe 60cm £29

2 x Alpine Bod harnesses  - used but usable £10 each.

Helmets - Grivel salamander, Simond White, Simond Sprint Black.  Used but usable £10 each.

BD Polar Icon headtorch. Used but excellent condition. £50

Markill Stormy hanging stove. Old, battered but usable. £15

Petzl shunt £15

DMM Pivot £10


Petzl pulley £10

NF 80L Kit bag £20

Petzl jumars - left and right hand. £30 the pair.

Pm me for pics if required. 


 Joemullett24 02 Jul 2024
In reply to barbeg:

PM’d about jumars

 Philip 02 Jul 2024
In reply to barbeg:

I've messaged you about the tent, kit bag and pulley.

OP barbeg 02 Jul 2024
In reply to barbeg:

Not getting direct pm's through for some reason... 

If you're interested in items, email me at:

[email protected]


OP barbeg 02 Jul 2024
In reply to barbeg:

A wee bump up.....

 Lhod 02 Jul 2024
In reply to barbeg:

Hi, do you know what model/condition the scarpa rock boots are? 

OP barbeg 02 Jul 2024
In reply to Lhod:

Hiya, sorry I don't know what model they are, they were my sons. He only used them for a few days. But in good nick.

Email me and I can send you pics...

[email protected] 


 Lhod 03 Jul 2024
In reply to barbeg:

Emailed you, cheers

 Philip 05 Jul 2024
In reply to barbeg:

Gear arrived pretty quickly - thanks.

 trying.soft 09 Jul 2024
In reply to barbeg:

sent you an email

 bouldery bits 11 Jul 2024
In reply to barbeg:

I will email about the Grivel Salamander and NF kit bag.


Post edited at 14:07

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