FS: Gear: Hyberg Rucksack, Cumulus Quilts, Thermarest Neo Liter & Uber

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 leoneb (user since 12/Jan/10) 28 Jun 2024
Price: £500.00

Hi Guys

Have the following items for sale. All are Brand new bit without tags.

1. Cumulus 350 Quilt -Custom Made (850 DP£125)

2. Cumulus 250 Quilt -(850 DP) £110

3. Hyberg 40 Litre Rucksack = £95

4. Thermarest Neolite Regular = £110

5. Thetmarest Uber Lite = £110

Postage included UK Only (Sll items will be posted first class recorded by Royal Mail)

Many thanks


 Run_Ross_Run 28 Jun 2024
In reply to leoneb:


OP leoneb 28 Jun 2024
In reply to leoneb:

Cumulus 350 sold

OP leoneb 29 Jun 2024
In reply to leoneb:

Cumulus 250 sold

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