FREE: maps

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 Rog Wilko (user since 12/Sep/05) 29 Jun 2024

I have a number of usable OS maps needing a home. Free of charge, but postage payable. I can't really be bothered to post one map at a time so have put them into 4 bundles. 

Mainly OS 1:50,000 Sheet number and publication year

Bundle: Western Highlands & Islands

8.1987;     23. 1998;  32.1994;  33 1984;   48 1976;  55 1979;  57 1986;  62 1987;  69 1987

Bundle:  Borders

73  1976;  79  1976;  80 1988

Bundle:  Yorkshire

98  1976;  100  1982;  101  1984;  106 1984;  107 1983

Bundle:   Lakes Area

1:50,000:   85 1997;  91 1982

1:25,000 Set of 4 covering all the Lakes Area  1982 (x2), 1986, 1994.

1:63.360 (1” to 1 mile) Lakes Tourist map (classic!)

 Wil Treasure 29 Jun 2024
In reply to Rog Wilko:

I'll take the Scottish ones. Have sent you an email.

 climber34neil 29 Jun 2024
In reply to Rog Wilko:

I'll take the lakes area bundle if still available,  have emailed you



OP Rog Wilko 30 Jun 2024
In reply to Wil Treasure:


OP Rog Wilko 03 Jul 2024
In reply to climber34neil:


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