Wanted: Baby blue cam + nuts

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 hannahkerr (user since 08/Jan/24) 07 Jul 2024

Looking to complete our set of cams with a baby blue (i.e. DMM size 00). Not fussy about the brand. 

Also looking for a set of nuts +/ offsets +/ micro nuts, ideally DMM or Wild Country. 

Based in Ireland but can pay extra for postage. 

 Mark Stevenson 07 Jul 2024
In reply to hannahkerr:

I have a completely new and unused DMM Dragon 2 in size 00 available for £57 plus postage which is probably £5-£6.

If you're interested, drop me an email.

 Jimbo C 07 Jul 2024
In reply to hannahkerr:

I have an unused set of Wild Country classic rocks, the non-anodised kind for £50 plus postage, with a couple of free racking carabiners thrown in for free if you want. 

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