NEW REVIEW: Committed Volume Two by Hot Aches

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 UKC Gear 09 Nov 2008
Mick Ryan takes a look at the much anticipated film from Hot Aches.

"This is impressive. Authentic. More than that I was quite moved. I was gripped. Engaged. My palms sweated. It was an Oh-My-God moment. His mum belaying. His dad ashen-faced looked on. His talented fresh-faced sister offered encouragement.

A move so improbable I could hardly believe my eyes. Had this young lad applied snake oil to his joints or drunk an elixir to make him so flexible – the hardest move on grit maybe....and way above gear. Then a death run out which Pete Whittaker had to talk himself up.

A great climbing film moment, one of the best I've seen. Who says headpoint ascents can't make riveting viewing?"

Read The Review:
 telemarker 09 Nov 2008
In reply to UKC Gear:

Looking forward to the DVD but the link to the review didnt work.
In reply to telemarker:
works for me.
 telemarker 09 Nov 2008
In reply to andrew sandercock:

Cheers, works now. I think I was to quick off the mark.
 Liam Copley 09 Nov 2008
In reply to UKC Gear: has pete commented on the crux move? as to how hard it is in comparision to other things?, im interested to what the hardest move is on grit (that has been done)
 Michael Ryan 10 Nov 2008
In reply to UKC Gear:

STOP PRESS: It was announced Sunday night at the Banff Mountain Film Festival that Hot Aches won the Best Short Mountain Film and The Audio Post Production Award for Committed 2: Grit Kids.
 Dom Whillans 21 Nov 2008
In reply to UKC Gear:
received my copy of committed II yesterday and frankly it's excellent. a massive improvement on just about every other climbing flick i've seen. well done hot aches for bringing humanity and fun to climbing films!
In reply to Mick Ryan - Is it in the shops yet?
 220bpm 21 Nov 2008
In reply to Dom Whillans:
> received my copy of committed II yesterday and frankly it's excellent. a massive improvement on just about every other climbing flick i've seen. well done hot aches for bringing humanity and fun to climbing films!

Bloody good, innit? Watched it all last night and was thoroughly impressed.

Anybody know who the voices were in the background at the start of the Allrounder section? The ones saying "There is nobody operating at a high level in each dicipline" etc. There was a man and a woman. Fantastic film, loved it all.

JP, what a guy. The WoL looks immense, terrifying and soooo different from the usual grit stuff, excellent filming and climbing. In the order I watched it, The Groove was a bit overshadowed by WOL but funky looking moves through the crux. Brit 7b eh? Go on lad!

Steve Mac - lol, how easy did he make that look? Legend

Grit kids - blown away by the enthusiasm and fearlessness of youth. Hats off to the pair of them (and their parents). That rockover on DOC is pure mentalist!

Brilliant DVD, I'd recommend it to all
In reply to UKC Gear:

There are sequences in this dvd that are truly edge of the seat gripping involving stuff.... some quite incredible climbing and great film-making... some iconic moments and lines...
 Jonny2vests 29 Nov 2008
In reply to UKC Gear: I was lucky enough to be walking past when Pete Whittaker did that route. As soon as he'd finished, I found I couldn;t quite reconstruct it in my head - it didn't seem possible. Need to watch the film now to unscramble my brain.

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