PRODUCT NEWS: Goal Zero Sherpa 100PD Portable Power Bank

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 UKC/UKH Gear 09 Sep 2019
Sherpa 100PD Goal Zero introducesĀ the Sherpa 100PD portable power bank, a fast-charging power bankĀ for adventurers who need to power their tech.

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 ScottTalbot 09 Sep 2019
In reply to UKC/UKH Gear:

Is there any mention of Amp hours? I'm curious as to how many phone charges you get for £179!

 Arms Cliff 09 Sep 2019
In reply to ScottTalbot:

Some tech specs here, I don’t speak mAh but would also be interested in the answer!

 ScottTalbot 09 Sep 2019
In reply to Arms Cliff:

Allegedly 8 Smartphone re-charges.. That's pretty good, to be fair. I'm not totally convinced that it's £179 good, but for the weight (if that is the priority), it seems like a decent unit (on paper at least).

Post edited at 15:43
In reply to ScottTalbot:

I think you might be paying extra for the full USB C PD voltages with this one. It'll do 5V, 9V, 12V, 15V, or 20V out of the USB C port so will comfortably charge laptops via USB C.

If you only need a power bank to recharge phones you can get one way cheaper that just supports 5V (or 9V fast charge) out of the USB ports.

 cambromo 09 Sep 2019
In reply to ScottTalbot:

25,400 mah, yikes. 

 ScottTalbot 10 Sep 2019
In reply to Paul Phillips - UKC and UKH:

That does make it an interesting option actually. A USB charger for my camera batteries and laptop would be very useful.. 

I can usually last about a week with my current setup, as long as I only use the laptop to off-load photos.

 ianstevens 10 Sep 2019
In reply to ScottTalbot:

Conveniently they also make one with an inverter - the 100AC. Euro or US style socket only mind, presumably due to the size limitation of the UK plug type. I've just been using an EU one with appropriate lead to charge my camera batteries. Expensive yes, but reliable and a nice piece of kit.

 ianstevens 10 Sep 2019
In reply to cambromo:

Watt hours are arguably more useful for this due to the differing voltage outputs. IIRC it's just under 100 - you can't fly with anything bigger.

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