Hand crank radio for Denali

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 Roberttaylor 24 Jan 2024

I'm looking for recommendations for a small, lightweight hand-crank radio to bring on a Denali trip. 

Regarding specs, what do people who've been there and used one recommend; standard AM/FM bands or more?

If anyone has a radio sitting unused from previous trips that they'd like to sell feel free to drop me a line.

 Damo 24 Jan 2024
In reply to Roberttaylor:

Why? They used to suggest one for weather reports years ago, but those forecasts were often inaccurate.

It's 24 years since I was there, but if I went now I'd carry a Garmin inReach Mini and have friends text me a decent forecast.

And of course it's an emergency beacon.

For entertainment? Plenty of friendly people at 14k to talk to. At 17k you don't want to carry anything extra up there, like a hand-cranked radio.

OP Roberttaylor 25 Jan 2024
In reply to Damo:

Cheers, all noted.

I've been putting off buying an inReach or similar in the hope that satellite-enabled smartphones will come on the market soon. I already have a PLB (the tiny, lightweight Ocean Signal rescue me) for emergency use.

 midgen 25 Jan 2024
In reply to Roberttaylor:

iPhone 14 onwards includes satellite connectivity. Google Pixel hardware since the 7 has been capable of it, but Google are dragging their heels on implementing the service for some reason.

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