Kouba multi hook long

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 Maximusf 09 Jul 2024

Hello, I'm confused as to what the kouba multi hook long actually is as on some sites its listed as a abalakov/v thread tool and on others it's just a nut key. Has anyone used it for v threads? 

Best wishes max

Post edited at 11:10
 Dave Baker SP5 09 Jul 2024
In reply to Maximusf:

I bought one because it looked interesting, but I can't imagine ever taking it to the crag to try to use as a nut key.  It might serve a purpose as a second tool to poke around and push things about but by itself I don't think it would be very useful.

Happy to answer any Qs, or take photos/dimensions, if you want to try it I can sell it on for cheap.

 biggianthead 09 Jul 2024
In reply to Maximusf:

They look ideal for cooking marshmallows over a camp fire

OP Maximusf 09 Jul 2024
In reply to Dave Baker SP5:

Is the pointed bit on the end sharp or pointy enough to snare a rope? It's just so weird that it looks like an v threader and is listed as such on various websites but on koubas website it's a nut key. 

 CantClimbTom 09 Jul 2024
In reply to Maximusf:

Seem it before and I just think "that'd be damn useful for hooking/fishing for cables and pull-cord under floors and behind plasterboard etc" I think it must be in their cabling engineer and sparky section not climbing

Or alternatively something specific for one of those areas (Elbe?) where you are only allowed soft protection and need to thread stuff???

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