Petzl reverso

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 TJ 25 Jun 2024

Hi there,

just out of interest, has anybody used the Petzl Reverso to rappel on static/semi-static ropes? If so, how did you find it on 10.5mm or 11.00 mm ropes. 


 Sean Kelly 25 Jun 2024
In reply to TJ:

Fine. If too much friction then insert a karabiner onto the Reverso loop only and that should free it up a little. Beware that on a very long abseil eg. Malham, there is less friction the more you descend. So lock off your prussik and insert the karabiner into both the Reverso and harness tie-in loop. Big abseils are always easier to manage with gloves, which seems quite rare these days.

For more info see

Post edited at 10:03
In reply to TJ:

Yes and I found it just fine

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