Prana Bronson Replacememt

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 Rockatt 25 Jul 2024

I have a pair of prana bronson trousers which I love but appears they are no longer made. Does anyone know of a similar pair of trousers... Prana seem to have a line called the Brion now but I can't tell if they are similar or not and I don't have anywhere local that stocks them to check.


 R Brown 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Rockatt:

The fit is roomier in the thigh (a positive in my opinion) but I like Alpkit's Kraft trousers having previously wornout a pair of Bronson pants, very similar stretchy cotton canvas trousers with a diamond gusset.

 rsc 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Rockatt:

I hope you get some useful replies because I’m in the same boat. I’ve worn Prana Bronsons for everything except funerals and court appearances for years - then they stop making them. Why, why, why?

OP Rockatt 25 Jul 2024
In reply to R Brown:

Thanks will check them out

 mik82 25 Jul 2024
In reply to Rockatt:

The Brions are stretchy synthetic fabric trousers like the Stretch Zions so probably not what you're looking for. Have you emailed Prana? I've found their customer service helpful in the past.

OP Rockatt 25 Jul 2024
In reply to rsc:

I was actually a bit late to the party and bought the pair I have off here, not realising they had already be discontinued. Was gutted to find I couldn't get another pair. 

OP Rockatt 25 Jul 2024
In reply to mik82:

Yeah I thought that might be the case with the Brions. 

Good shout on contacting them direct, will give that a try. 

Post edited at 13:29
 Neil Morrison 26 Jul 2024
In reply to R Brown: I had hoped the Krafts would be the Bronson replacement but not quite. Fine trousers but the ones I bought are very narrow in the lower leg and I can’t roll them up for ventilation in the way I can with my Bronson’s. I’ve a nagging suspicion the cut may have changed.

 J Skye 26 Jul 2024
In reply to Rockatt:

Type Prana Bronson Pants and your waist x leg size into eBay search bar and you should see a lot available from the USA. Postage seems to be standard 25-30 quid and prices all around the same 25 quid, with 'make offer' for some, so you might get a newish pair for about the same as they were in the sales in the UK? Shouldn't be any customs duty?

Bear in mind the cut of the trousers changed slightly over the years: some feeling slightly looser in the thigh and waist as they go from 'made in China' to 'made in Sri Lanka' and adding the writing 'Born from the Experience' on the inside waistband.  So you might want to match the iteration that you have as close as you can to the photos of the used pair.

OP Rockatt 27 Jul 2024
In reply to J Skye:

Cheers for that, useful info! Will take a look and see what's available. 

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