Balancing stones, cairns, artful rock displays

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A picture to raise the blood pressure of those who love to hate balancing stones etc!! Luckily they're not in the UK, but in the Dolomites 

Post edited at 16:53

 Tom Valentine 03 Jul 2024
In reply to buxtoncoffeelover:

Robert D would normally have answered by now but I imagine he's packing some steel toe-cappers and booking a flight.

 crayefish 03 Jul 2024
In reply to buxtoncoffeelover:

Perfect for kicking over.

Cairns are for navigation, not blighting the natural landscape.

 aln 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Tom Valentine:

Excellent! 😃

 veteye 04 Jul 2024
In reply to buxtoncoffeelover:

I like cairns which provide some degree of shelter, like the one atop Mam Sodhail, and the one on top of Sgurr na Lapaich, north of Loch Mullardoch.

 Mark Kemball 04 Jul 2024
In reply to buxtoncoffeelover:

I quite like these structures on the beach, interesting to look at and gone at the next high tide. The ephemeral nature adds to their appeal.

 Lankyman 04 Jul 2024
In reply to Mark Kemball:

> I quite like these structures on the beach, interesting to look at and gone at the next high tide. The ephemeral nature adds to their appeal.

We saw lots of little cairns in one of the other big caves adjacent to the King's Cave on Arran last March. It gave the place a kind of Buddhist vibe. I'm sure it would have calmed Robert the Bruce down a bit while he seethed about the English.

 Billhook 05 Jul 2024
In reply to buxtoncoffeelover:

Here's some from home.  They'll get repurposed or recycled at the next high tide.  Stones on end !!


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