Callum the Torridon Stag

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 ScraggyGoat 21 Jun 2024

As predicted Callum the Torridon car park stag had to be put down…..

NTS said they take the welfare of animals seriously, really? It was obvious his behaviour was abnormal, that he’d become hefted to the car park and dependant on supplementary feeding, and his condition was so poor a vet I was with, would have put him down over two years ago if they had be called out to him.

Post edited at 17:50
In reply to ScraggyGoat:

Also a predictable hysterical reaction from the public. If I was NTS I would have put him down and said nothing about it. 

OP ScraggyGoat 21 Jun 2024
In reply to twentytwoangrymen:

Ultimately it’s the members of the public and visitors who fed him whom are at fault.

 Lankyman 21 Jun 2024
In reply to twentytwoangrymen:

> Also a predictable hysterical reaction from the public. If I was NTS I would have put him down and said nothing about it. 

Why not open a van there with venison burgers?

 kinley2 22 Jun 2024
In reply to ScraggyGoat:

> Ultimately it’s the members of the public and visitors who fed him whom are at fault.

Much as I dislike seeing deer fed in this way and much as I was leery of an adult stag with a full rack of antlers mooching around the car park during the rut....

...must have been a decent age for a wild red deer stag anyway.

At least he didn't get peppered by air pellets and left in pain to be put down later like the one at the Loch Tulla viewpoint. 

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