Descending from Ben Cruachan to Taynuilt

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 th5th 18 Jun 2024

Hi folks,

I'm planning a weekend trip to the hills between Glen Orchy and Glen Etive using the trains.

I'd like to traverse Ben Cruachan from the east and, while I realise I could drop south to Falls of Cruachan past the reservoir easily enough, I'd quite like to continue broadly west and end up at Taynuilt. More logical? More aesthetically pleasing? I don't know, maybe I'm just stubborn.

Looking at OS mapping it looks like I should be able to drop down to the mast at NN037295 and follow an old military road to Inverawe House, cross the footbridge and follow the road into Taynuilt.

Does anyone know if the old military road is practical through the plantation there? It's notably absent from other mapping I've looked at.

An alternative might be to head north-west towards Glennoe and pick up the track near the shore of Loch Etive. That seems like a long way round - I don't suppose there are new tracks or rides through the plantation to cut a corner anywhere?

Perhaps I should just bow to the paths and aim for Falls of Cruachan instead....

 Mark Bull 19 Jun 2024
In reply to th5th:

The military road looks plausible on aerial imagery - there is an exit onto the minor road via a gate at NN033302. If it doesn't work out, then you can get under the railway where it crosses the burn near the mast: or a sheep creep 100m further east. 

It also looks like it may be possible to follow rides through the upper part of the forestry to gain the track that ends at NN034312. 

Post edited at 10:47

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