Missing walker Fort William/Kinlochleven 24 July

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 Luna W 25 Jul 2024

One of my old school teachers, who taught me so much about the outdoors, has been reported missing from a hike near Kinlochleven.  If anyone has seen her or has any information please pass it on to Police Scotland. Thanks so much.

'Ruth Betts, aged 64, left her hotel in Fort William on Wednesday, 24 July, intending to walk the Mamores but failed to return and concerns are growing for her welfare.

She is described as around 5ft 3ins, of slight build, with short grey hair. When last seen she was wearing grey walking trousers, a waterproof jacket and carrying a green and grey rucksack.'

Further info and picture here:

Post edited at 14:51
 Pete Pozman 29 Jul 2024
In reply to Luna W:

Sad news. RIP.

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