Recommendations for a week in the Pyrenees

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 12SHughes 18 Jul 2024

I have a week's holiday in mid-August (can be extended by a few days) and wondering about going to the Pyrenees for some walking. Does anyone have any recommendations for good areas to go for walking, and any particularly good campsites? (I've been up the Pic de la Serrera and Pic du Taillon with my family when I was younger, so something along those lines would be good)

 McHeath 18 Jul 2024
In reply to 12SHughes:

I’m afraid I don’t have any recommendations, but from the blog linked in this post there are two refuges which you should maybe avoid:

 Tom Valentine 18 Jul 2024
In reply to 12SHughes:

Lescun is a lovely centre   for the Aspe Valley and the campsite is great, but a bit of a trek from the village.

 Ramblin dave 18 Jul 2024
In reply to 12SHughes:

We've done trips to Laruns / Vallee d'Ossau and Cauterets, plus a chunk of the HRP through Northern Catalonia and Andorra. They were all fairly great.

I can't recommend specific campsites but one thing that I would recommend is planning to spend nights out in the hills, either camping or in unmanned or manned refuges. Unless you're super-fit, there's a bit of a tendancy on a day walk to find that you're just getting to the good stuff when you have to turn around and come back.

OP 12SHughes 18 Jul 2024
In reply to McHeath:

Ooh yeah, thanks!

OP 12SHughes 18 Jul 2024
In reply to Tom Valentine:

Thanks, I'll have a look!

OP 12SHughes 18 Jul 2024
In reply to Ramblin dave:

I was assuming by this point that most refuges would be booked for this August? But maybe I'll do some camping

 DaveHK 18 Jul 2024
In reply to 12SHughes:

Camping Rio Ara on Torla is a fantastic site.

 Ramblin dave 18 Jul 2024
In reply to 12SHughes:

Probably depends where you go? We've always just turned up on the day, but our only trip in August was the section of the HRP that we did, and that was in one of the quieter bits of the central Pyrenees, probably the more popular huts in the areas around Gavarnie and Cauterets would be more booked up at that time of year. Camping is good, though.

 Jamie Hageman 18 Jul 2024
In reply to DaveHK:

Yes, I've been there a couple of times (Rio Ara) - nice campsite, amazing scenery and Torla is a delight.  The Ara valley is really pretty.  

Years ago I camped at Lac D'Estaing - a nice community feel, and evening bbqs done by the campsite for residents.  The Grand Barbat is close by and a super peak.

OP 12SHughes 24 Jul 2024
In reply to DaveHK:

Ooh thanks. I've stayed at Camping San Nicolas de Bujaruelo before, further up the valley and that was a great location

OP 12SHughes 24 Jul 2024
In reply to Ramblin dave:

Good to know that they're not all booked up everywhere then

OP 12SHughes 24 Jul 2024
In reply to Jamie Hageman:

Yeah I really enjoyed Torla when I was there before. Lac D'Estaing looks great too, thanks!

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