Telecoms masts in Scotland's finest remote landscapes

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 George Allan 22 Jul 2024

Please note that this post is not to encourage revisiting the arguments about the Shared Rural Network programme but simply to let people know where they can get updates about the mast applications of most concern and the planning application references should they want to object.

Mountaineering Scotland has taken over producing weekly updates from the John Muir Trust-

There is also a Facebook group-        

The VOLUME of objections is important. Objections need to be based on planning grounds. If you are new to this, looking at other objections will give a steer as to what is likely to count.

For interest, North East Mountain Trust has, to date, objected to over 60

Withdrawn- 10 (but may be resubmitted)

Approved- 7

Decision: refused- 2 (one appealed)

NEMT does not object to those which clearly serve communities or business premises.

George Allan on behalf of North East Mountain Trust

 ag17 30 Jul 2024
In reply to George Allan:

As well as objecting to individual planning applications it might also help to write to Peter Kyle, the new Secretary of State at the Department for Science Innovation and Technology, urging him to suspend the programme. After all, I'm sure the new Government could find something better to do with the £0.3b allocated to this in Scotland.

Rt Hon. Peter Kyle
Secretary of State
Department for Science Innovation and Technology
100 Parliament Street
London SW1A 2BQ
E mail: [email protected]

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