NEW ROUTE CARD: Bowfell via Hell Gill and the Climbers' Traverse

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 Norman Hadley 02 Jul 2024
This slightly circuitous route to England’s sixth summit is offered as an alternative to the well-pummelled superhighway of the Band. Despite the rather melodramatic name, you could actually do most of this route with hands in pockets; the Traverse takes you beneath some spectacular crags but requires no particular head for heights. In the description, I've assumed you treat Hell Gill as a walk, but grade 1 scrambling opportunities are close at hand in hot weather. Rossett Pike is offered as a bonus on the descent, if only to avoid the descent of Rossett Ghyll.

8 miles, 12.90 km, 931m ascent, 2:30 – 5 hours. Ambleside

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